New website, new blog, and new prices.
See all the big better things here
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Evelyn's Birthday (Part II) - Seattle Child Photographer
Evelyn's birthday part II! We went to Pine Lake Park and it was a wonderful day for such an occasion. She had loads of fun playing and Evelyn even went swimming in all her clothes!
Happy 3rd birthday to my very favorite daughter!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Evelyn Turns 3(party part I) - Seattle Child Photographer
Evelyn turns 3 part one!!! On August 7, 2009 my daughter Evelyn made her way into this great big world.
We had a nice day in the pool playing together and celebrating. It was Eisley's first time in the pool and boy did he love it! We had a tea party because they are Evelyns favorite, we changed it up and had ice tea to try and beat the heat.
Was a very fun day for us all!
Mountlake Terrace,
Mountlake Terrace, WA, USA
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Evelyn & Eisley - Seattle Child Photographer
Yesterday both kids had their photos done. Eisley is 6 months old this month and Evelyn will be 3 years old on August 7th. Time sure does fly!!!
Trying to photograph both your 6 month old and 3 year old is no easy feat! Eisley was the perfect model baby and didn't mind the whole studio set up but big sister Evelyn wanted nothing to do with it! She hates having her picture taken and wont smile for anything. Eventually I gave up trying to force her and set up a nice set up outside with books(her favorite) and she completely loved it. but of course by the time I had that set up little brother Eisley was cranky and wanted nothing to with it!
But in the end I am happy with what we got and excited to order some nice prints for the walls and grands. Everyones happy so I'm happy.
Also Evelyn now wants to be a photographer! How cute.
Friday, July 20, 2012
August Family Minis - Seattle Family Photographer
Now booking for family minis in the park! Very simple sessions that are easy on the wallet but still high in quality.
Have you been needing to update your family portrait? Wondering what to send out on your holiday cards this year? Just want some nice photos taken of your family and kids? Then the family mini-sessions are perfect for you!
For $75 you will get 30min of shooting, 5 fully edited images, and a medium-resolution CD for printing up to an 8x12 size. All mini-sessions still include an online gallery for ordering pro-prints and at your request we can even have an order session for prints and products! This is the perfect opportunity to update your family portraits or get a head start on photos for your family cards this year. Only ten spots are available in back to back 30min sessions so book fast before they fill up!
Minis will be held on Sunday August 19th in Magnuson Park.
Times available are as follows-
Some props will be provided such as bottled sodas and straws, a chalk board, and books. If you have a special item or activity your family enjoys doing lets talk about how we can incorporate that into your photos!
Send me an E-mail and lets get you booked!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Our First Ferry - Seattle Children's Photographer
A group of photographers I belong too organized a fun filled summer with different play dates in hopes of getting us and our kids outside and catching a few good photos as well!
Our first excursion was a ferry ride from Edmonds to Kingston! It was a the both kids first time on the ferry. It was a reletively short ride there and back followed by some awesome beach play time!
At the beach we had a nice little set up with an umbrella, blankets, toys, and even a bubble machine(Eevelyn's favorite!). It was a great summer adventure and I even managed to take some photos of my own kids for once.
Our next play date is a pool. I have a vision of arm floats, nose plugs, and goggles. I can't wait, we are determined to make this summer a memorable one with photos to look back on!
Edmonds, WA, USA
Friday, July 13, 2012
Eastern WA - Seattle Photographer
Just a couple more shots from beautiful eastern washington. Loved the sunset there, I drove over to the wild horse monument and setup my camera and tripod to take photos.
Next time we head over the mountains I'm waiting until dark and doing some long exposures of cars coming up and over the bridge.
wanapum state park,
Thursday, July 12, 2012
4th of July Weekend - Seattle Photographer
For our fourth of July weekend we went camping at Wanapum State Park in Eastern Washington.
With temperatures as high as 102 it was a very hot trip! Luckily we had some jetskis and the Columbia river to help keep us cool. It was a great trip spent with some great people and I can't wait to go again next year and bring the kids along. We already reserved our spot, we wanted the good with the shade and nice trees.
Enjoy the photos! May try and get some others up a bit later.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
A Print Comparison - Seattle Portrait Photographer
I did the dreaded test prints. I went to the local walmart and got two 5x7 prints one with the 1-hour photo option and one with the instant print option, then I ordered the same photo in 5x7 through my pro lab.
See the difference? Clearly there is a significant one.
I spend about 3-4 hours editing your photos after a session and even longer after a newborn. I edit them to appear a certain way and have a certain look to them. These are not photos meant to be quickly printed out at a local drug store and put into a box and shoved away in the back of a closet. These images I have worked hard to create for you are for printing with care and showing off proudly to friends and family in frames and on the walls of your home.
I'm hoping that by showing you this you will think twice before taking that expensive digital package you purchased and going to walmart(and other like places) to have it printed. Why waste so much money to have your photos done, buy the digital package, and then end up with the results pictured above? It's not worth it. I always encourage clients to order through me but if you purchase the digital package and want to print yourself please be sure to use a reputable printing company. The two I like to suggest are and these printers offer quality prints at consumer prices.
Hope this was helpful to some! Breaks my heart to see my photos look this way.
pro prints,
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Chloe - Seattle Maternity Photographer
Congratulations to Chloe and Justin!!! I have known this lovely lady since we were in the 3rd grade, I liked her so much in 4th grade I switched school so we could hang out more.
She asked when I was pregnant and did my own maternity photos if when she got pregnant someday would I please do hers and of course I said yes! A few short months later she was announcing and I was totally stoked to take her photos! It was a really lovely evening at Magneson Park and we got some great shots.
Due in August can't wait to meet the little guy or little lady, it's a surprise!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
My first twins! - Seattle Child Photographer
This Friday I got to shoot my first set of twins. Amelie and Poppy! They are turning this 1 this month so they were very active and mobile! I think as a child photographer it's a very big step to get to do your first set of twins. It was a great challenge and I loved working with them.
Now all I need to do is my first set of newborn twins and all my dreams will have came true!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Gianni 7 days old - Seattle Newborn Photographer
Just photographed 7 day old baby Gianni yesterday! He was the first newborn to poop on my set up so he get an award there! But really he was very sweet and so teeny tiny, working with such small babies makes me miss my tiny boy!
This was also one of my first apartment shoots and I got to break out the lights which worked wonderfully! It was a great shoot full of new exciting things. I hope to have some more little boys in the future, they can look just as adorable as the little girls!
Also This month is my grand opening June special! If you book a regular full priced maternity shoot you will get the newborn shoot completely free of charge!
Also I am starting a new rewards program for clients! It's a nice way for you to earn two free 5x7 prints! For the duration of your client gallery being up(1 month) you can leave a nice review on my facebook page for others to read and you'll get to pick out one free 5x7 of your choice from your gallery. if you'd like one more you can simply share my business page on your own facebook wall for an addition free 5x7 from your shoot! It's really easy and helps us all out, 5x7's are also great gifts for the grandparents or to have in a nice little frame on your office desk!
June is looking to be a great month for business so let's get it going!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Sarah - Seattle Newborn Photographer
Meet Sarah!!! She is my first "older" baby I have worked with to try and get some newborn photos out of. She's a month old and very active! Very alert, looking out the window, and always wanting her bink!
But with some patients I managed to get some great shots and it was a very good learning experience with a tad bit older "newborns".
She also had a very adorable little sister Mackenzie who loved to give her kisses and smile.
Had a great time with this family and was very honored to get to photograph the wonderful little Sarah!!!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
7 day old Layla - Seattle Newborn Photographer
I've got another shoot tomorrow with a one month old then another newborn next Friday and some soon to be 1 year old twins!!! Very excited for everything coming up and can't wait to take some more photos of adorable little people!
Deciding to start my own business and work from home was one of the best decisions I've ever made!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
ETSY shop coming soon!!!
Currently working on making an ETSY shop to sell my own headbands and other photography related props! It should all be up and running by June 1st and have new things added weekly! Currently I have mini rolled flower fabric headbands to offer in single, double, and tri-flower headbands and we are working on creating a newborn prop bed!
I've found crafting things is very fun and rewarding along with helping me save money by being able to make my own props and sell some to those who are less crafty!
It's really fun because Jeff, my other half, gets to help out with things and feels more involved with what I do all day.
So keep an eye out for when my shop is all up and running!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Picnic day
We woke up today to birds chirping and sun shining despite the weather report saying it wasn't supposed to be nice out. My shoot today got moved to friday because of said fickle weather, so we decided we should do a picnic lunch date in the park and I could take some photos of my own little man.
It was quiet the fun time, Eisley's first time at the park as well. We had chicken sandwhiches his Dad made, pasta salad, potato salas, and mexican coke in the bottle. Eisley played in the flowers, danced to Brian Adams, and even enjoyed his first time playing on the swings.
My guys are the sweetest ever!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Expected debut in July - Seattle Maternity Photographer
I had a maternity shoot with the lovely Megan yesterday! Isn't she just adorable? She is just as sweet as she is cute too. We went down to the fountain at the Seattle center and walked around getting some great shots! She's also a photographer so between shots we would both take pictures of different things.
She was a trooper and managed to walk around and pose for the entire hour we were down there and it was pretty hot out that day. We stopped by 7/11 on the way home and got slurpees because every hot pregnant woman deserves a nice ice cold slurpee on a hot day.
Can't wait to get to meet her much anticipated little lady soon!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Battle of the taco trucks!
Today we went to the battle of the taco trucks in volunteer park. We enjoyed some good food, okay tunes, and some wonderful rare Seattle sunshine! We walked through the conservatory and Eisley loved all the flowers! My favorite park is always the dessert plants, cacti are very interesting to me for some reason.
It was a nice lovely day spent with my two favorite boys. The next two days are busy with shoots, one mom and daughter tomorrow and a maternity at the Seattle Center Monday!
I am still looking for girls under 1 year for free shoots so don't be shy and shoot me an E-mail if you would be interested in that!
Seattle, WA, USA
Friday, May 4, 2012
Free newborn shoots!!!
I am teaming up with some local newborn prop venders and looking for newborn baby girls to shoot with! The props that will be used are headbands, hair clips, and peti rompers! I will be working with local vendors to help photograph their products in use for them to use on their ETSY stores and facebook fan pages. The shoots will all be completely free and you will receive a free CD with fully edited web ready images. If you are interested please E-mail me for more information.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
April Showers Bring May Flowers
Bring May Flowers!
It's a lovely spring day here in Seattle! Sun is out the weathers not too cold and not too hot!
On today's agenda is finding some local vendors to work with! So far I've got one in the works and still searching for some others, if you know of any vendors in the greater Seattle area who make/sell anything newborn/babies/kids prop related please feel free to send them my way! I'm in the market for headbands, clips, hats, wraps, and any other unique props you can think of!
I'm also in the works of gearing up for a new promo to start next month if I can get enough fans on facebook! If I get to 200 fans I will run my new promotion! It's a good one I don't wanna give it away but it involves the word FREE! So if you enjoy free things head on over to my facebook page and get likin away!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The March of dimes
Today I made my March of dimes donation! It's a great cause to get involved with and being someone who has children and friends who have had to go through the experience of having premature births it is a cause I can totally get on board with!
So if you have anything extra please take some time and go donate to the march of dimes!
So if you have anything extra please take some time and go donate to the march of dimes!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Save a little $$$
I just made up some promotional $25 off cards!!! If you would be interested in one go check out my facebook page under the tab "Welcome & Specials" when you like my page the coupon will pop up on screen for you to save, print out, and use!!!!
Feel free to share my page and share the wealth with friends and family. The coupon will only be available for a limited time!!!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Shoot with an old friend!
Today I did a family shoot for an old friend from school. He wanted some photos of himself, sister, and her kids. We went down to the water front and we got a whole lot of good shots and different backgrounds. It was the perfect place for some great family portraits! I love the shot above on the porch to the light house, great location!
I remember when all three of these boys were still in diapers! Time flies, they all grew up to be very handsome gentlemen. All in all it turned out to be a great day for shooting and I'm really happy with how many great shots we got and I'm even more excited for them to pick out the photo they want printed and framed for mothers day!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
My website will be fully launching along with my blog as soon as I get all the bugs on This blog worked out!
Please feel free to go through my website and explore and let me know if there is anything not working correctly or if you have suggestions!
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