Thursday, May 24, 2012

7 day old Layla - Seattle Newborn Photographer

From my recent newborn shoot with 7 day old Layla! What a little cutie she was to work with! Her family was wonderful as well. This shoot took a little extra time as she was in the midst of her cluster feedings, the girl was like a never ending pit for food! But 5 hours later we got some amazing shots and I'm really happy with how well everything went!

I've got another shoot tomorrow with a one month old then another newborn next Friday and some soon to be 1 year old twins!!! Very excited for everything coming up and can't wait to take some more photos of adorable little people!

Deciding to start my own business and work from home was one of the best decisions I've ever made!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ETSY shop coming soon!!!

Currently working on making an ETSY shop to sell my own headbands and other photography related props! It should all be up and running by June 1st and have new things added weekly! Currently I have mini rolled flower fabric headbands to offer in single, double, and tri-flower headbands and we are working on creating a newborn prop bed!

I've found crafting things is very fun and rewarding along with helping me save money by being able to make my own props and sell some to those who are less crafty!

It's really fun because Jeff, my other half, gets to help out with things and feels more involved with what I do all day.

So keep an eye out for when my shop is all up and running!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Picnic day

We woke up today to birds chirping and sun shining despite the weather report saying it wasn't supposed to be nice out. My shoot today got moved to friday because of said fickle weather, so we decided we should do a picnic lunch date in the park and I could take some photos of my own little man.

It was quiet the fun time, Eisley's first time at the park as well. We had chicken sandwhiches his Dad made, pasta salad, potato salas, and mexican coke in the bottle. Eisley played in the flowers, danced to Brian Adams, and even enjoyed his first time playing on the swings.

My guys are the sweetest ever!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Expected debut in July - Seattle Maternity Photographer

I had a maternity shoot with the lovely Megan yesterday! Isn't she just adorable? She is just as sweet as she is cute too. We went down to the fountain at the Seattle center and walked around getting some great shots! She's also a photographer so between shots we would both take pictures of different things.

She was a trooper and managed to walk around and pose for the entire hour we were down there and it was pretty hot out that day. We stopped by 7/11 on the way home and got slurpees because every hot pregnant woman deserves a nice ice cold slurpee on a hot day.

Can't wait to get to meet her much anticipated little lady soon!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Battle of the taco trucks!

Today we went to the battle of the taco trucks in volunteer park. We enjoyed some good food, okay tunes, and some wonderful rare Seattle sunshine! We walked through the conservatory and Eisley loved all the flowers! My favorite park is always the dessert plants, cacti are very interesting to me for some reason.

It was a nice lovely day spent with my two favorite boys. The next two days are busy with shoots, one mom and daughter tomorrow and a maternity at the Seattle Center Monday!

I am still looking for girls under 1 year for free shoots so don't be shy and shoot me an E-mail if you would be interested in that!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Free newborn shoots!!!

I am teaming up with some local newborn prop venders and looking for newborn baby girls to shoot with! The props that will be used are headbands, hair clips, and peti rompers! I will be working with local vendors to help photograph their products in use for them to use on their ETSY stores and facebook fan pages. The shoots will all be completely free and you will receive a free CD with fully edited web ready images. If you are interested please E-mail me for more information.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Bring May Flowers!

It's a lovely spring day here in Seattle! Sun is out the weathers not too cold and not too hot! 

On today's agenda is finding some local vendors to work with! So far I've got one in the works and still searching for some others, if you know of any vendors in the greater Seattle area who make/sell anything newborn/babies/kids prop related please feel free to send them my way! I'm in the market for headbands, clips, hats, wraps, and any other unique props you can think of!

I'm also in the works of gearing up for a new promo to start next month if I can get enough fans on facebook! If I get to 200 fans I will run my new promotion! It's a good one I don't wanna give it away but it involves the word FREE! So if you enjoy free things head on over to my facebook page and get likin away!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The March of dimes

Today I made my March of dimes donation! It's a great cause to get involved with and being someone who has children and friends who have had to go through the experience of having premature births it is a cause I can totally get on board with!

So if you have anything extra please take some time and go donate to the march of dimes!