Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Print Comparison - Seattle Portrait Photographer

I did the dreaded test prints. I went to the local walmart and got two 5x7 prints one with the 1-hour photo option and one with the instant print option, then I ordered the same photo in 5x7 through my pro lab.

See the difference? Clearly there is a significant one.

I spend about 3-4 hours editing your photos after a session and even longer after a newborn. I edit them to appear a certain way and have a certain look to them. These are not photos meant to be quickly printed out at a local drug store and put into a box and shoved away in the back of a closet. These images I have worked hard to create for you are for printing with care and showing off proudly to friends and family in frames and on the walls of your home.

I'm hoping that by showing you this you will think twice before taking that expensive digital package you purchased and going to walmart(and other like places) to have it printed. Why waste so much money to have your photos done, buy the digital package, and then end up with the results pictured above? It's not worth it. I always encourage clients to order through me but if you purchase the digital package and want to print yourself please be sure to use a reputable printing company. The two I like to suggest are and these printers offer quality prints at consumer prices.

Hope this was helpful to some! Breaks my heart to see my photos look this way.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Definitely going to do this test for myself. :)
